Okay.... lets get this over with....

As you may have notice I have not blogged in like forever.... it is not because I was slack and just did not blog it was because I did not have time. Yeah anyway I am going to be super vague about the last couple of days because number one I don't feel like typing and number two I don't really remember much.

Friday all I remember is that I went to school and fell asleep fourth period on top of a few desks I put together because I wasn't feeling to well. Then I talked to Taylor when I got home...

Saturday I had to wake up early in the morning to take the S.A.T. which took like five hours. Then I drove to Summerville to hang out with Taylor. We helped out at this concert thingy which was fun, and I spent the night at Pastors Mark's house that night so I wouldn't have to drive all the way back home just to come back to Summerville for church.

Today was pretty sweet. Service was amazing like always, and Taylor got to have the honor to sit with me yet again because he was a big boy this week. Then after church Taylor, Kyle, Victoria, and I went to eat at Arby's then we watched "Mall Cop" I feel bad because Taylor kind of got in trouble because he missed a meeting that he thought wasn't mandatory... so yeah... but everything is okay now... cause everyone learned a valuable lesson in "communication"

After the movie we stopped to get ice cream and I took Victoria home. Then I drove Kyle and Taylor to the church cause they had this guy's discipleship class thingy. After Taylor and I said our goodbyes I left for home. Now I am just chilling out on the computer like usual, and will probably go to bed soon.

~God bless

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