Going in a Different Direction

As you may have noticed... I don't really update my blog like I used to. The reason for that is... I don't want to blog about nothing... so I am going in a different direction with this whole blog thing... I guess that just means I am just going to focus all my blogging to the great thing God has done for me and what he is doing for other people...

I will catch you up on some of my life for the past couple days though. My Aunt passed away Friday, and I actually just got home from her wake. When I found out I was pretty upset, but surprisingly I haven't cried since I found out. I thank God for helping me out through this hard time.

Church this morning was pretty awesome. Pastor Martin couldn't preach again because his voice is still resting, so his son-in-law preached, and let me tell you... it was awesome. He focused on two things.
*Thing #1: God is personal
*Thing #2: We have to remember
It was a great service especially because I just let God have his way with me during Worship. I didn't notice pay any mind to the people around me, it was just me and God like how it is suppose to be. When they started singing again at the end I walked up to the front, but I was like the only youth up there... I didn't care though because all I wanted to do this morning was worship God.

Going to church is a great way to get your "spiritual batteries recharged" but keep in mind that is not the only place you should praise and worship God. We serve a great, awesome, amazing, spectacular, magnificent, wonderful God... and we need to give him praise and worship all the time.

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